My books

The Turkey Shed Gang for 7 - 11 year olds.
Joe had a bad day at school. Everything went wrong…
FIRSTLY, he had to read to the class and that was his worst nightmare, reading in front of everyone. THEN, he scored an own goal in football. LATER, after eating three chocolate eclairs at Gran’s house, she tells him about a raid in the bank this morning. The robbers had guns and monster masks! To Joe it sounded exciting, if only he could have been there too!
Aunty Marmalade for 7 - 11 year olds.
‘Aunty Marmalade’ is my first published children’s book. It is intended for readers from the age of around seven upwards. The story is about a girl called Florence who goes to visit her eccentric godmother, Aunty Marmalade, in her cottage by the sea. During her stay she finds a secret passageway up to the attic where she finds out some very surprising family secrets that involve her. Things she could never have imagined. Shortly after her discoveries she begins to have scary and unexplained experiences. Her belongings are moved around, she is rescued from the sea but who is her rescuer? And worse of all she has a feeling that she is being watched. Will Florence find the answers to all her newfound questions? Why did her mum keep all these secrets from her?
Some comments from readers so far…
‘I could not put it down.’
‘It is a lovely story.’
‘My granddaughter loved the book. Thank you for getting her interested in reading.’
‘It’s great. Bit scary too.’
‘I read the book with my daughter and we were really surprised by the ending. She’s going to read the book on her own now. First time she has read a book on her own for ages.’

Mrs. Poddle and Eric for 6 - 9 year olds.
Mrs Poddle and Eric is my second published book. It is a story with three adventures for children from the age of five. Lots of children of all ages and grown ups have read parts of it already and they all say how funny it is. There are parts to make you laugh, make you happy, you can guess what happens next and then talk about your guesses…were you right?
The story is about Mrs Poddle and her enormous dog and protector, Eric. One day a rather surprising visitor comes into their garden. From then on chaos occurs as he disrupts their quiet life and gets Eric into all sorts of trouble. Eric has three exciting adventures and all the time he has to get back to Mrs Poddle and keep in her good books!
I hope you enjoy reading all about them. You can let me know if you want to. Just go to the ‘contact me’ page. If you do I will write back to you…
Greeting cards and bookmarks
To go with the books there are bookmarks and greetings cards at just £1 plus P&P each! Contact me directly to place an order.